Can you believe it? A BIG plate of delicious brownies showed up in addition to two packages of cookies. Oh yeah, 9 members were also in attendance. It was good to see John Smith return for a meeting and encouraging to hear that he would be available for the second meeting of every month. He has some studio lighting for sale in addition to some film camera gear. If you are interested or know someone who might be, email Bob at and he’ll pass along the info to John.
Bob presented some portraits he took of his grandkids. Cuter than cute…but the writer of these notes is a bit prejudiced. There was also some lively discussion regarding camera gear, full frame vs APS-C sensors, lenses, etc.
If you haven’t been to a meeting lately, October would be a good time to come on out. We have only 4 meetings left this year in addition to our annual Christmas Dinner on December 14.
The upcoming photo themes for the evenings are: “Fall Colors” on October 12, “Harvest” on October 26, “Elections” on November 9, and “Thanksgiving” on November 23. But bring any other photos you may be taking and share them with the group.