15 members attended.
members gave suggestions for assignment and meeting topics. old bridges, parallel lines, narrow aperture. Lens and their different uses, prime lens
discussed: Lynda.com online classes for free thru Stark library. https://starklibrary.org/
go to main page, click services on top of page, click 24/7 online library, scroll down to click on tools and databases, click on Lynda.com
New Summit Metro Park https://www.beaconjournal.com/news/20200122/public-access-set-in-2020-for-newest-summit-county-park-on-old-200-acre-golf-course
members gave suggestions for topics/assignments.
Assignment 2/13/2020 color red, black and white, photographer choice.
Topic for 2/13/2020: work flow for Lightroom, creating matting effect thru photoshop