Quail Hollow State Park Camera Club
(Currently under revision)
Article I – Name
This organization shall be called the QUAIL HOLLOW STATE PARK CAMERA CLUB.
Article II – Aims
The aim of this club shall be to share and promote photography through cooperation, effort, and good fellowship. Also, to provide challenging, progressive development for the membership in areas of photography.
Article III – Purpose
The Quail Hollow State Park Camera Club was formed to promote nature photography and to encourage an awareness and an appreciation for the natural world.
Article IV – Membership
Any person interested in photography may become a member of the club as provided in the by-laws.
Article V – Meetings
Meetings of the Quail Hollow State Park Camera Club shall be held the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month with the exception of holidays or special events. Meetings can be cancelled or arranged by the Executive Board. The meetings shall be held at Lake Community Library. Business meetings shall be conducted according to ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER.
Article VI – Officers
The officers shall be: President, Vice-president. Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer. These officers shall constitute the Executive Board.
Article VII – Committees
A Program Committee shall be established to arrange club activities. The Vice-president shall be chairperson of the program committee. The president shall appoint (2) members to assist the chairperson. Other committees needed to facilitate club needs and affairs shall be appointed by the president. Any interested current member may voluntarily serve on any committee.
Article VIII – Finance
There shall be no initiation fee, but there shall be annual dues payable in advance of each calendar year.
Article IX – Charter Members
Ed Beacon | Paul Honaker | Nick Rini |
Sonya Beacon | Midge Jones | Ted Scherff |
Shirley Bryan | Brian Kuryn | Mary Stillwell |
Bruce Ebie | Dennis McFarland | Gary Stine |
Richard Fulton | Nancy McFarland | Mona Tewanger |
Kenneth Honaker | Joyce Michaels | Janet Whitaker |
Charter members shall be those members who organized the QUAIL HOLLOW STATE PARK CAMERA CLUB at the time of the adoption of the original Constitution and By-Laws.
Article X – Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws
Amendments to this Constitution or By-Laws may be made by a majority affirmative vote of the membership at a regular business meeting. However, any proposed Constitution or By-Law changes must be read at a minimum of (2) regular business meetings prior to the meeting at which voting takes place. The proposed changes must also be read at the same meeting at which the voting takes place at some time before the actual vote occurs.
Quail Hollow State Park Camera Club
Article I – Membership
Section 1. Dues
- Dues are payable in advance and renewal shall be due on January I of each calendar year.
- For first time new members, dues shall be pro-rated 10% per month from January through October.
- Those first time new members joining in November or December shall have their dues paid for the next calendar year.
Section 2. Good Standing
To be a member in good standing, current dues must be paid. Only members in good standing may make motions, vote at meetings, serve on committees, or hold office. Any person who has not renewed their dues by July 1 will be dropped from the club roster and mailing list.
Paying the current year’s dues in full will reinstate previous members.
Section 3. Senior Members
Any person sixty-five years of age or older may apply for senior membership. Senior members shall pay no dues. However, they must meet all of the following qualifications:
- They must be sixty-five years of age or older.
- They must have been dues paying members in good standing for the five immediate preceding years before applying for senior membership.
- Each year they must request that their senior membership be renewed. This request can be made in person at a regularly scheduled club meeting, or by letter sent to the club president or club treasurer. Senior membership will not be renewable if it has not been renewed for two consecutive years. Except as outlined above, senior members shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities as regular members.
Article II – Finance
The fiscal year shall run from January 1 to December 31.
The amount annual dues shall be established by vote of the membership. Dues shall be payable in advance of the fiscal year.
Expenditures of $50.00 or less may be approved by the Executive Board. Expenditures of greater than $50.00 must be approved by a majority of those members present at a regular business meeting. The treasurer shall be permitted to keep a petty cash fund for incidentals in the amount of $25.00.
The Treasurer’s books shall be audited the first week of December. An auditing committee shall be appointed by the President.
Bills shall be turned in to the Treasurer immediately, and not carried into the next fiscal year.
Article III – Elections
Every year the President shall appoint a nominating committee of (2) members in September to submit a ballot for the election of officers. Nominations shall be accepted from the floor. Elections shall be held in November so that new officers are prepared to assume their duties at the beginning of the fiscal year.
Article. IV- Officers’ Duties
Preside at all club meetings, Executive Board meetings, and appoint all committees. Shall act as club spokesperson and supervise all club activities.
Assume duties of the President in the absence of the President, keep in close contact with all club activities, and to be chairperson of the Program Committee.
Keep minutes of all meetings, take a roll call at each meeting and to determine the membership status of each person present.
Manage all incoming and outgoing correspondence involving the activities of the club as well as be responsible for all news releases and publicity.
Keep records and custody of the club funds and dues.
Prepare periodic reports of club finances and make brief verbal reports of finances at each meeting.
Keep a current list of members whose dues are paid, and provide a copy of this list to the recording secretary before each meeting.
Article V – Executive Board
The Executive Board shall be all elected officers (see Constitution) with the President presiding at Board meetings. Executive Board shall assume those duties as set forth in the Constitution and By-Laws.
Article VI – Committees And Their Duties
The activities of the club committees shall be determined by the Executive Board of the club. Committee chairman shall periodically report activities and progress to the President and prior to being presented to the club membership. The Program Committee shall plan the activities that follow each regular business meeting.
Article VII – Quorum
A quorum of the membership for the purpose of conducting club business at regularly scheduled meetings shall consist of no less than (1) club officer and (2) club members in good standing. For specially scheduled meetings, a quorum shall be defined as one third of the club membership in good standing, and must include a minimum of (2) club officers. A special meeting shall be defined as any meeting not held on the 2nd or 4th Tuesday of any given month.
This Constitution and By-Laws with current revisions were voted on and adopted during the year 2001.