Club officers are elected by the members of the club. Elections are held annually in November. The 5 leadership positions are listed and described below.
PRESIDENT – held by Gary Stine
Preside at all club meetings, Executive Board meetings, and appoint all committees. Shall act as club spokesperson and supervise all club activities.
Assume duties of the President in the absence of the President, keep in close contact with all club activities, and to be chairperson of the Program Committee.
Manage all incoming and outgoing correspondence involving the activities of the club as well as be responsible for all news releases and publicity.
TREASURER – held by Gary Stine
Keep records and custody of the club funds and dues.
Prepare periodic reports of club finances and make brief verbal reports of finances at each meeting.
Keep a current list of members whose dues are paid, and provide a copy of this list to the recording secretary before each meeting.
Webmaster – held by Andrew Kennedy
Gathers all info and images to be placed on the website. Tracks website stats, and generates a monthly report. Keeps everything up to date and makes design changes as needed.