A good night for a meeting involving cookies, pictures, a dinner date, and watching the shuttle Discovery fly overhead. A decision was made for the club dinner to be held at the Golden Corral on Arlington Rd on April 21st at 6:30pm. Around 7:20 went outside to observe the shutte Discovery fly overhead at 7:23 pm. It was a very hazy sky but there was just enough of an opening to clearly it see it as it passed overhead. Excellent pictures were shared by several members.
An announcement was made for the first club Film Meeting to be held on March 29th, 7:00 to 9:00pm. The first meeting will be on Silver Halide. Film Meetings will not be held on official club nights (the 2nd or 4th Tuesdays).
Come visit us at our next meeting on March 22nd at 7pm, and don’t forget your pictures.