The meeting was well attended with 12 people with 2 new visitors in the mix. As planned we continued the Photoshop Basics series. Our VP, Bob Moffitt, lead the presentation on History, Levels, and Hue / Saturation. It was well received and some great questions were answered. After the presentation we had time to share photos, and our new visitor put up his photos. Before the close of the meeting, it was mentioned that the Dark Room equipment that was provided by Jim Corbet was sold by Bob Moffitt. The money from the sale was donated to the Club.
Don’t miss the next meeting and presentation when we will be continuing Photoshop Basics with Cloning and Red Eye Removal. The meeting starts at 7 PM and the presentation will start shortly there after. Also bring some pictures to share, if you’re interested the photo topic for the evening is Reflections.