Tonight was a very productive and fun meeting. There were 9 in attendance, which makes for a great start to the year. We planned out the first half of the year with meeting topics, and potential club outings. The Spring Photo Contest was also discussed at length and the entry form was reviewed for the final time. Once changes are made we will publish it on the website and at local venues. So keep your eyes open!
We are changing it up a bit this year, instead of having a specific photo topic for people to bring in and share we are going to create a list of topics and send it out to everyone. That way you can work on a topic if it interests you, and then bring it in when you have taken the photo. We are hoping to get a better response with photo sharing, with this approach. By sharing photos we simply display our photos with a projector and tell the others a little bit about the photo. Also it was agreed that everyone send a list of ideas to our President and he will compile them in a list and email it out to everyone. This is open for members and non-members alike.
One last thing, for members there will be an opportunity to give photos to the web master, so they can be put online if you would like to share them on the club’s website. Care is taken to prevent photos from being stolen on the website if you are concerned about image theft or copyright infringement. Sharing images on the website is open to members who have paid dues, simply because the website does cost money and it is treated as a perk to paying membership dues.
Our next meeting will be covering the Basics of Photoshop and Learning Picasa. So if you are interested in some photo editing then don’t miss these meetings.
One last thing Film Night for those that are interested will be the Monday before each regular meeting, at 7pm at the house of Neil Moles. Please contact the club for details about directions.