Jan. 24 2012 – Meeting

It was a great second meeting. There were refreshments and 10 in attendance. Our treasurer, Gary Stine, mentioned that he sent out notices to the local newspapers for advertising. On such short notice we attracted 2 new people. The effort proved effective, now we will just have to wait and see what the result will be for the next meeting. Before we began the night’s presentation, we talked club business regarding other advertising avenues, passed out copies of the Photo Contest form for distribution to local venues to get the word out. Gary gave a treasury report of the Club’s finances, and collection of dues. Then we went around and introduced ourselves for the new members and welcomed them.

Our Vice President mentioned that he was given a darkroom setup that was donated to the club from a club member. The darkroom setup is up for sale, and the money will go to the club. For those interested please contact our VP, Bob Moffitt, for details.

We briefly touched on the Photo Contest. The contest is in full swing and we are currently in the process of looking for judges. It was mentioned that judges cannot enter the photo contest, and we are looking for someone with a good eye for photography. If you would like to volunteer please contact the club leaders.

After closing the discussion of Club business we began our evening’s presentation, which was put on by our web master, Andrew Kennedy. The presentation was on File Organization, Getting files into Photoshop, Resizing Images, and Auto Adjustments. It was well received and there were many questions and comments.

The meeting wrapped up with sharing photos. Our President, Lee Neal, shared his pictures from his trip to China. They were nice but the commentary was even better.

Next meeting is on February 14th. We will have lesson 2 of 4 in our series of Photoshop Basics. For those of you that missed this meeting you can download the notes for the Photoshop Basics 1 presentation.