Meetings Feb. 28 and Mar. 13th 2012

The past two meetings were very informative for those new to Photoshop. On Feb. 28th, the 3rd session of the 4 part series of Photoshop Basics was given. It was lead by Andrew Kennedy, who gave instruction on the Clone Stamp, Heal Brush, and Red Eye Removal tool using Photoshop Elements 6. He also talked about how to approach a project using the tools discussed. After the lesson, there were several photos shared for the nights topic of Reflections. There were some excellent window reflections, water reflections, and others. Among club business, the Photo Contest for this April was discussed. It was mentioned that 1 judge has committed but we are still looking for 2 more. Neil Moles also brought in the large print that was produced at the previous evening’s Film Nite. It was a print of the Manor House at Quail Hollow State Park, and was going to be framed then given to the park to be put on display.

On Mar. 13th, the last session of the Photoshop Basics series was lead by our VP, Bob Moffitt. The final lesson was on the eraser, text tool, and an introduction to layers. It was a very detailed and informative lesson that was well received by those in attendance. After the lesson, a couple of the members shared their attempts at night photography. One or two members didn’t have time to get out recently for night shots, but shared some of their pictures taken in the past. So we welcome photos from any time and place that you have taken. It was also noted that we may have a 2nd judge for the Photo Contest in April, but there has not been any entries yet. If you are would like to enter the contest, you only have until April 14th. Entry forms and the contest rules can be downloaded from the website if you need them.

Our next meeting is on the 27th at the Nature Center, and the next Film Nite is on the 26th contact a club leader for details about the location. Both meetings are at 7 PM. So come on out and share in the fun, and bring some pictures to show off.