Meeting 5-23

10 in attendance

Mark brought photos of his daughter’s track meet share and concert.

We socialized about summer plans and trips.

For June, July, and August we will be going done to 1 meeting a month. We will be meeting on the 2nd Tuesday and not the 4th.

The fall show has been approved to be put on in the library. We will display photos for 2 weeks. Photo entries are open for members only. The Library will allow us to use the small showcase out front and host the open house. Dates are to be discussed. Plans are still in the making. Andrew will be making flyers and or posters for advertising the show. Gary will meet again with Jodi from the library and get questions answered that have been brought up tonight.


There has been talk about if the Canton Camera Club was still around. Neil brought in an advertisement for it found it the Canton Repository.

Gary showed photos of the Flight 93 memorial. He gave a history of the crash site and what it has become.

Photo topic for next meeting: Bridges