12 in attendance
The library contest judging will be on Aug. 4th. We will need to volunteers for judges and runners, right now Gary is going to try to get judges outside the club for the contest. If he has no luck then we will pull from the club again. Those coming to the library contest should be there around 5:30 – 6:00 PM. It was requested by a member that an email reminder be sent out for the library contest.
Gary and Tracy will be looking for contest judges for our contest this Oct. Gary also sent around the rules for our contest to be proofed before it is published.
Weenie Roast will be on Sept. 10th. Those that want to attend need to bring a covered dish. Tableware and the main dish will be provided.
We started sharing photos around 7 PM. Neil Moles had some prints of fireworks that he shot with an old point and shoot.
We wrapped up the meeting about 7:40 PM.
Topics for next meeting