12 members attended
renewed website and domain name for the next 2 years.
Talked about our website. decided to only display info for our club on main page of website. photo contest/exhibits and other posting will go under other pages.
Several photo contest/exhibits information given. See website community page.
Photography Problem Solving DVD was viewed.
Pics need 3 things: great light, great composition, great interest.
Harsh daylight: use soft box light to soften sunlight. if possible move to shade/move under trees/shoot thru shade using open ap.
Rural/country side: roads, track, fences can enhance photos. change your perspective, walk around, shoot from higher or lower levels.
City/urban landscape: a lot of visual options. use signature items, cabs, people. Buildings cast light and shadows all time of day.
Tell a story. Keep an open mind on what to shoot
Assignment: look at older photos. if possible duplicate them improving the photo based on what we have learned.
DVD chapter next meeting: organizing your photos